If you can't handle the ride, don't climb into the chute.
"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway." ~John Wayne
When I hear somebody talk about a horse or cow being stupid, I figure its a sure sign that the animal has outfoxed them.
~Tom Dorrance
There is just as much horse sense as ever, but the horses have most of it.
A good rider can hear his horse speak to him. A great rider can hear his horse whisper. But a bad rider won't hear his horse even if it screams at him!
It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.
The best horse doesn't always win the race
Everyone imagines country girls in Daisy Dukes, a tied up shirt, cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat, when in reality, thats far from true.
“It aint the clothes that make a cowgirl, its the attitude and heart.”
“Show me your horses and I will tell you what you are”
“The horse knows. He knows if you know. He also knows if you don’t know.”
There is a fine line between a cowgirl and a yuppie with a horse.
That moment when you think to yourself “yup im going to eat dirt in 3…2…1…
If the saying is true, that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, at this point I should be able to bench press a simi.
Horses: they can be a lot easier to get along with than people.
I RIDE HORSES: I haul 50 lb. stacks of feed, and 75 lb. bales of hay all the time. I use pitch forks, yell at 1,200 lb. animals and move them out of my way, whenever I want to. You are not a problem to me.
I don’t get bucked off I just feel the need to test the theory of gravity.
Horses, because football, baseball, basketball, and soccer the ball can’t think, In MY game the ball has a mind of its own.
I smile when I catch god watching me through the eyes of a horse.
Sweet as sugar hard as ice hurt me once I’ll shoot you twice
You can lead a human to knowledge but you cant make it think.
I am in competition with no one. I run my own race and help others along the way. I have no desire to play the game of trying to be better than anyone, in any way, shape, or form. I just aim to improve, to be better than yesterday, and that is what makes me free..
The rider has to learn, truly and honestly without making up excuses, without blaming the horse, the saddle, the bit, the footing, the boots, the breaches, the farrier, the vet, or whatever. The desire to learn must be greater than anything else, pride, vanity, ego, everything. It comes down to the question of how important it is to the rider to really learn to ride, and how far he or she wants to go in their riding, the horse will be greatfull.
Horse People: A person who is envied because they are a fabulousy unique individual that can kick butt and has no need or desire to follow the flock.
Don’t call em a cowgirl till you’ve seen em ride!!!
No matter how bad my day is, I can gladly step off the buss, and my 2 other halves come to see me.
There is no Wi-FI out here, but I promise you will find a better connection.
Don’t worry about the people who talk about you behind your back they are behind you for a reason, so just keep on riding.
Don’t hurt youself trying to go through a gate that was long-ago closed to you. Just ahead, there is a wide-open gate with endless opportunities and possibilities KEEP RIING, YOU’LL FIND IT.
You don’t fully trust your horse until you can ditch the saddle.
Never approach a bull from the front, the horse from behind, or a fool from any direction.
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