Hey guys, tried making a video for you all on youtube, but guess what it didn't work! So tomorow night we will re-do it and get it to ya all! So sorry for not posting for a while, but I will tell you bout the week/weekend So I started drivers ed driving on Friday, I had that Friday night and Saturday. Saturday my moms friend had a her baby shower, and my long life friend (even longer than roni, we were friends as babys I have pics of her at my 1st b-day party :) ) and her cousins who are also amazing friends, one was even scared to death of horses Chuck helped her learn, we even got her confortable enough to ride him. :) My really good friend was at the party, she is 2 years older than me, but we seem the same age, and always love to talk, she lives in Mn so I don't get to see her very often, so it was awesome to see her, after siting around the fire for a few hours me mckayla and roni all came back to my house and hung out and talked. She had to leave for church because there was a mermorial for Chris. We will call the cousins K and E for short, but last year in the spring I had to miss school for their dads funneral. E heard her dad fall in the bathroom, and went running, and found her dad, and ran down the road for help. She is so strong, I don't know that I would have been that brave. Sadly her dad didn't make it, she still has a lot of trouble talking about it and things with family are makeing it worse, so i'm praying for her. Stay strong K&E. Mckayla sorry about the death of your friend, I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if Mel didn't make it either (I have been following Mel's story for quite a few months now, click here and go to his journal to hear his story) So im glad that all is going well, maybe I can come meet with you guys sometime. :)
Sunday roni and I decided to get out the horses, so I thought maybe my grandma would like to come ride to because she helped buy Jack and Pearl. She likes to come out sometimes and ride with us. So Roni and I got chuck and Jack out we both lunged them Roni lunged Jack and I lunged Chuck, they both did okay, so we hopped on, we schooled them in the yard, Jack wasn't listining to roni very well, so I said we would do a switch. Roni (don't take any offence at all I know ya wont ;) ) has had some very bad experiences with Jack, so he likes to take advantage of her being tense when riding him, (note to roni, the only thing that fixes it is time dont worry I was scared to ride lilly after my accident you learn that things happen you just have to hop back up and try again :) it will get easier with time the first few falls always shake you up, I have had many even before I met you :) i know the feeling and its okay to feel that way remember you have to fall off 7 times before your a real cowgirl! it gets easier just you wait and see) Jack knows when I am riding i mean buisness, he did AWESOME!!!! We easily troted through serpentines, figure 8's, half serpentines, diagonals. He has an awesome trot, the only trot I have ever felt that was easier to sit than his is Banner, Jack used to have a choopier trot, but like I said a lot of things were rider error, this was MY fault, I used to always anticipate Jack wanting to go faster, so I was always watching his ears, he liked to try to run off with you at random times, and this was a habit that needed to be broken. He has come a long ways, that short choppy trot has become a nice smooth flowing trot, almost like a MFT walk. So I on Jack and Roni on Chuck went on a little trail ride while my grandma came and got pearl out and started to work with her, and when we came back she was almost saddled up and ready to go.
We all 3 went out on the same path as we did the last time, but about halfway through things went bad. It ended in my grandma being bucked off Pearl. I forgeting which horse I was on and his habbits of liking to rush and take control and run off, kicked him up to a gallop when my grandma didnt move or get up, I got over to her and made sure she was okay. I trotted closer to roni so she could hear me and told her to stay with my grandma and help her. The last time pearl got loose after loosing a rider, (i jumped off when Jack fell on top of Roni) she ran and ran and wouldn't stop, we live less than a mile from a big highway, and we don't ride in a fenced in arena or anything else, so she could easily run the half mile down to the highway, I popped Jack back up into a gallop across the field which I may add was amazing as is galloping across an open field always is :) and went after Pearl, she had come up to the fence and paced up and down a few times, then stopped to eat thank goodness. I reached over and untied the lead from around the saddle horn, I ponied her back across the field, and had to stand clear for a while, while my mom had drove out to the field to help my grandma when she had been comming down the road. I rode back up to the house and looked for nick to see what he was doing. Not finding him I again ponied pearl across the field, and was met with Roni getting back on Chuck ready to ride back with me. My mom drove across the field the rest of the way with my grandma in the truck, You have to go through really tall weeds (some parts are higher than Chuck's chest, roni and I were ahead of the truck, so when the truck came through Jack spooked and tried to continue on with his little run, but I turned him around so he could see it, and pearl had made the few quick leaps with him, so it was all good. So I will add after looking back and finding out what actually happend, It was also caused by humans, again not Pearls fault, it was rider error, she had a bad experience, and now we have to fix it again, she had had bad experiences before, and I have helped her through some of them (she has a good side and a REALLY BAD side as in she likes going one way but not the other) so she has come a long ways in that, so we can give her a positive experience again so she sees that now every ride will be like that.
Okay guys its time for me to hit the hay, and here are some AWESOME videos for you to watch so click and watch AWESOMNESS!
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