Our Barn

Our Barn

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Hey guys sorry so I need to rant bout something. I saw these videos, this poor horse OMG I want to hit the person, the horse is in pain and the person just doesn't care! They ride on a tight rein, poor thing tries to move its head and then it gets its mouth jared by the bit, poor thing, its almost like rollkur the horses head is forced to be tight, it isn't being taught, the only thing this horse knows is pain, poor thing, every time his bit toutches his mouth his head shoots up in pain, and the person tells him to go with her legs, but then pulls back with the reins, and gaa!!!! Its people like this that shouldn't own horses, the horse is in pain and the person is to stupid to do anything about it! The horse is telling you he hurts FIX IT DUMMY!!!! I can't stand to see this happen to horses and it should stop I can't stand it it irritates me so much STUPID UNKNOWING IGNORANT PEOPLE SOULDN'T OWN HORSES.

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