Our Barn

Our Barn

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hey guys Thanks!!!

So this is a post for all my loyal followers, thanks for everything you guys have done. So many views, no matter how many times I was called names, been told that I shouldn't own horses, I have bin dissed and called a lier im not "popular", im not a fancy "cowgirl" or a gerk to everybody, I have had people go around telling lies about me from a young age, and tons of other things have happend. God, horses, my family, and YOU viewers have been there for me! Thanks for all of the support guys, and im glad you all love what I post, and hope to continue to improve the blog. I can't wait to start the new year, and begin Jet's training. These past few years have been crazy, we got the rags to riches horses, we got the horses that nobody else wanted and we turned them into something special, I am so glad that for that I found my two other halves at auction, they weren't some special champion horses, they weren't fast or papered, they hadn't had any special training or been shown, they were what nobody else wanted, one persons trash makes another ones treasure, and I am grateful that I found them. We made it through nails through the frog, nicked tendons, really bad accidents, frightening experiences, and much more, the memories will keep growing and every day I see them our bonds get closer! God is the only one who can take them away, so when I lose them I know it was for a good reason. I have grown a lot in the last few years, I have learned a lot, we have been doing lessons for almost a year, I have grown in horsmanship, responsibility, maturity, and more all with the help of God and my horsies. Special thanks to Roni!!! Your so awesome and I am inspired by you, you have made so much progress, I am so proud to be your sister, you have learned, and been through a lot, you had the courage to get back on after bad accidents, you never make a serious compaint about your legs hurting from riding or hauling hay, the weather, or having a bad day, you never blame the horse becuase you did something wrong, and you help me without question and I am so grateful for that, you help me when Im hurt, and you help me see from the ground what I can't see from the saddle, you let me know if you think the reins are tight or what foot he needs to pick up over the pole and so so so much more. Thanks with all my heart for all you do, you have stuck by me through everything, no matter if we get bucked off, go on a trail ride, or do arena work were side by side working togeather as sisters, nothing will ever come close to the bond me and you have,(okay I must admit Chuck and Jet are a close second, but they are not people :) haha). I can tell you really want to work and become a great equestrian, you admit when you did something wrong or when the horse messed up because of something you did, we both help eachother through it, and watch out for eachother and our horses. I couldn't be grateful enough for all you have done. We are FUN  AMAZING AWESOME EQUESTRIANS (our new motow is going to be F.A.A.E.) nobody can come close to us or our passion no matter how hard they try!  So heres to all the viewers be your-self, think about whats best for the horse, just because a person looks good on a horse doesn't always mean they are so dont just assume they are a good trainer/rider, not all things work what works for one will NOT work for all horses, don't give up but become educated or you and your horse will pay don't just make your horse terified of being handled in fear of pain or yelling, 99% of "stupid horse problems" are actually stupid people problems, I still make mistakes all the time just admit your wrong and learn how to fix it. A new and final quote for tonight.
A good horse will change a dishonest rider into a humble rider, 
and only then can they start to become a good team.

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